Wakirlpirri Jukurrpa Aboriginal Canvas Art



Wakirlpirri Jukurrpa Multicolour Canvas Art Print - This motif of this visually striking Aboriginal artwork represents the dogwood tree, featuring dark, stretching branches accentuated by hundreds of lines in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours.

This Aboriginal artwork depicts the ‘wakirlpirri’ (dogwood tree), a very useful tree for Japanangka men and Napanangka women. The Dreaming travels from Jarrarda-Jarrayi through to Mount Theo, west of Yuendumu in the Northern Territory.

The ‘wakirlpirri’ grows on the sides of creek beds, offering seeds that can be eaten raw or cooked, or dried and boiled to create a sweet drink called ‘yinjirrpi’. The wood is used for ‘karli’ (boomerangs) and dancing boards, and is also excellent for burning on the fire as the wakirlpirri wood cannot be extinguished by rain.

Bring the richness of Aboriginal culture and timeless storytelling traditions into your home with this intricately painted and breathtaking artwork.

Stretched Canvas:

The stretched canvas fine art prints are professionally printed on polycotton artist canvas, using archival inks and then stretched and gallery wrapped. This means the image is stretched around a 38mm frame to create a seamless, museum-quality finish. All stretched and box framed art prints arrive ready to hang.

Canvas Boxed Frame:

We also offer the option to add a shadow box frame to your canvas art print. A little different from a traditional framed print, the canvas sits within the box frame with a 5mm gap, creating a sophisticated shadow effect between the frame and the canvas. Our solid timber box frame mouldings are 10mm wide, and 55mm deep. This would then add approximately 40mm to the length and height of the listed canvas size.

Delivery: Leaves partner warehouse in 5-7 business days.