Pastel Pink Palm Wall Art



This enchanting pastel Pink wall art piece captures the charm of a beautiful coastal home, featuring a stunning front door and an alluring entrance framed by graceful palm trees.

At the heart of this artwork lies a captivating pastel pink house that radiates an inviting warmth and sophistication. Its graceful front door beckons you inside, promising secrets and stories within. The steps leading to the entrance add a touch of grandeur and grace to the scene, inviting you to take a step closer and immerse yourself in its allure.


Our art prints are carefully prepared by hand and framed over several weeks, so please allow a 4-6 week delivery time. 



  • 812mm x 574mm
  • 1000mm x 700mm
  • 1148mm x 812mm
  • 1624mm x 1148mm


  • 100% Australian-made
  • White solvent paint is sprayed protecting the back of the artwork.
  • Perspex finish is near identical to glass finish yet lightweight
  • Glass slightly better finish close up, Perspex is more durable
  • Finished with 100% hardwood timber frame